Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can anyone last a day without grass?

What do you think? Do you able to leave a day without grass? You may considering me as a mad and thinking what is the relation of living with grass? We surely don't eat grass to live our life. But inspite of your thought I am very doubtful about that any one can live a day without grass. If you became so much skeptic about me then concentrate your mind to following.
We eat rice, or bread three times a day. Can anyone say from where the rice or bread come? (So, don't be so disappointed too early, read a little more.) These crops come from their respective plants.
Let's be serious! Upto 80% of our daily food come for grass. Yes, rice, wheat, corn, burley all of these are grass. Thus you can be unhesitant to say that grass as a single substance is keeping human kind alive. If you be suspicious about this plants are grass you may examine it yourself. Take a plant in your hand about which you are sure that it is a grass. Then compare it with one of the aforementioned plants. Observe the sheafs, leaves, roots of the two comparing plants, you will see enough similarity between them. If you still do not convinced or you cannot rely in your observation  take help from a botanist. Now if you become convinced show your gratitude to grass and think it you bear a single day without grass.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Microphotography: take a look if you don't want to miss- part 2

Look at these images. You probably never imagined before.

Electronic Display: Most of the electronic gadgets are now furnished with an colored display. Here some of the colored displays are shown by several magnification.

1. Mobile Phone-1:

Let's Show intimacy with International Forest Year

The year 2011 is declared as International Year of Forests by United Nations. The total amount of forests is decreasing day by day throughout the world at an alarming rate. To make conscious the people of the world about the importance of forest reservation this year is declared as International Year of Forest.

Forests consist of  31% of the total land area on earth. This forestland is the living place of almost 300 millions of people and 80% of the total biodiversity. Saving forests is compulsory for the sustainable development of the world. According to IMF, 1.6 billion of people depend on forests for their livelihood. If forests detoriorate, the biodiversity will be lost and without biodiversity humans existence also be endangered. So, the forests of the earth must be saved at any cost.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Microphotography: take a look if you don't want to miss- part 1

Look at these images. You probably never imagined before.

1. Microchip: Taken out from CDROM Drive.
Every microchip is composed of a large circuit into a tiny box. If microchips were not invented we probably had to build the whole circuit at a large scale.

 2. Sugar crystal : Every single sugar crystal has a definite shape.

3. White cloth: Cloths are made by twisting large number of single fibers of cellulose or any other synthetic polymers.

4. Newspaper: We often hear about 4 color print. But the four color print may contain any possible color we can see. Then why the print called four color? This is because in any type of color print, only four inks are used. These are combined to make other colors. These four colors are Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. This is why this color format is known as CMYK.

5. Cotton: Cotton is nothing but cellulose fibers.